Hondón Valley Legion Remember Robbie Burns.

Hondón Valley Legion Remember Robbie Burns.
Hondón Valley Legion Remember Robbie Burns.

When members and guests of the Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion sat down for their Burns’ Night Supper, little did they know just what a great evening was planned. The venue was El Nuevo Valle, in Hondón de los Frailes and the MC for the evening was Ronnie Mannall. The piper, Tony Dolphin, did us proud and got us all in the Scottish spirit.

Ronnie recounted the life of Scotland’s National Poet – Robert Burns and we then celebrated in a way Burns would have approved – eating, drinking, music, piping and poetry (and of couse, the craic!)

The haggis was piped in by Tony, which we toasted with a “ wee dram “ of whiskey, before tucking into Scotch broth , Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, steak pie, topping off the meal with Boozy Trifle, coffee and Scottish Butter Tablet.

A number of members took part reading poems and the “Toast to the Lassies” by Joe Logan and “Response” by Carol were particularly entertaining. Following the meal Carol had prepared a super Scottish Quiz where members grouped into Clans.

Tricky questions but very “educational” – for those Sassenachs among us! After the various toasts we all linked arms for Auld Lang Syne. A really enjoyable and memorable evening.

The Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month and those wishing to hear more about our activities and socials planned for this coming year, please contact the secretary on hondonvalley.secretary@rbl.community. For Community Support, please ring 676 45 17 80

Peggy Wyatt Branch Press Officer