Poppy Day Darts Competition

Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation
Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation

Congratulations to Matt Robson and Mitch Halliday (plus stand-in Bliss Wright), who won the competition and to Andy Gildea and Beatty Powell, runners up. Well done to all the fancy dressers too especially Gail Murray and Christine Pattison.

A big thank you to everyone who came to support and take part, donate raffle prizes and volunteer to chalk on the day (Ernie Halliday, Mel Bettell, Gina Woods). 

A huge thank you to Roxie Chapman and Matt from the New Tavern for a fantastic buffet, donations and all your dedication to the event.  Together we raised more than €815 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal and everyone seemed to enjoy it and want to make it an annual event!

Winners and runners up