Threats to volunteers in Campoamor.

Threats to volunteers in Campoamor.

Following on from the recent poisoning of a colony of cats in Campoamor the volunteers who control and take care of the colonies are now receiving threats of their own.

On two occasions over the last weekend, 6 volunteers were verbally assaulted by other residents of Dehesa de Campoamor who object to the project that has been introduced to help control the feline colonies.

Ana, the President of the Association Colonias felines Dehesa de Campoamor, said that their personal well-being is being threatened, they are being insulted and the food that they put down for the cats is being thrown away.

She said that the volunteers had no choice but to call the local police who explained to the perpetrators the necessary work that being carried out in the area, which has the full support of the municipality of Orihuela.

Anna said that it is actually a crime not to provide food to such animals, the fact of which is contained in art. 336 and 337, however, regardless of the small number of extremists who continue to object to their work she added that her Association will continue to carry out their good work fight so that everyone can live in harmony with the animals in an area that is free of animal abuse.

For more information you can contact Ana, President of the Association Colonias felines Dehesa de Campoamor, through the facebook page or by email at: