How diabetes effects the eyes

How diabetes effects the eyes

To mark World Diabetes Day on the 14th of November, Specsavers Opticas are offering free eye tests in their stores and providing advice and information on how diabetes sufferers can protect their eyesight.

“Over 425 million people are currently living with diabetes, thankfully most is well controlled, so the condition doesn’t affect the eyes, but each store will usually see two to three diabetes suffers with diabetic retinopathy each year who do require medical intervention. We expect that to increase as the numbers of diabetes sufferers are on the rise”, commented Mike Stone from Specsavers Opticas in Javea and Calpe.

“The good news is that early diagnosis, a healthy lifestyle and the right treatment can stop blindness through diabetes. Knowledge is power with this kind of condition, so we’ve put together some useful information on diabetes and the eye and are offering free eye tests and information in store on the 14th of November.”

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy, a condition which affects vision, occurs when the blood vessels in the retina are damaged by the changes in blood sugar levels. This leads to blurry vision which can often come and go throughout the day.  

If untreated, the condition can become more serious, resulting in the network of blood vessels which supply the retina suffering permanent damage. This can result in irreversible vision loss.

To avoid sight loss and other common side effects of diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, it is important that blood sugar level, blood pressure and cholesterol levels are controlled. In many cases this can be achieved through good nutrition and healthy eating rather than medication, so with the right information you can take back control of diabetes and lead a full life. 

Not all diabetes causes sight loss, but it is important to have regular screenings and eye tests so that any problems or changes can be monitored. Most complications can be treated; however it is vital that they are detected early. Once vision is lost, it cannot be restored.

There are five Specsavers Opticas on the Costa Blanca and all offer advanced eye tests using a digital retinal camera, allowing the optician to take a detailed picture of the back of the eye. These comprehensive eye tests are able to detect the signs of Diabetic retinopathy. If these signs are identified during an eye test, patients are referred to a doctor for further tests and treatment. To book your eye test and find your nearest store visit