Night of Souls to be enacted in Orihuela

Night of Souls to be enacted in Orihuela

The Councillor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, has announced the II Night of the Souls that will take place in Orihuela’s Historic Quarter, on the night of 31 October, the eve of Todos Los Santos, an evening that she says will “unite heritage , literature and tradition “.

The Historical Centre of the city, specifically the Plaza de Ramón Sijé will become “a place where mystery and passion for the supernatural will reach every corner”.

There will be two performances, the first at 23.00 and the second at 00.00 hours, which will comprise of several dramatised readings, by Lunatando Teatro, Romanticism as “Remember me”, by Lord Byron; “The adventure of the German student” by Washington Irving; “The cross of the devil”, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer; “La dama Negra”, by Alejandro Dumas; “El Corazón Delator” by Edgar Allan Poe and “La pata de palo” by José de Espronceda.

There will also be an endless number of surprises that will set the mood for this activity including the appearance of characters associated with the Night of the Dead

In addition, the square will be appropriately adorned so that everyone who joins with us can enjoy our wonderful heritage as seldom seen, “said Mar Ezcurra, who went on to add that” it is a matter of combining our rich heritage with literature and taking advantage of an earthly tradition on what is the celebration of the night of the dead and the day of All Saints “.