Seprona investigate Campoamor Cat poisoning

Seprona investigate Campoamor Cat poisoning

Seprona de Orihuela, the environmental and animal welfare unit of the Guardia Civil, has opened an investigation to explain the alleged poisoning of a colony of cats in.

Of its 30 cats, many of them sterilized by the association Colonias felinas Dehesa de Campoamor, there are very few left alive, with the organisation saying that they fear the worst for those still surviving.

The initial bout of poisoning began on September 16, when someone placed “very strong poison that killed the cats in a few hours, but extremely painfully, according to the veterinarian who is leading the case and unfortunately, despite the publicity and the public outcry, the individual responsible for the crime still continues to put poison out with, only last Monday, Simba, a domestic cat owned by a local family, becoming his latest victim.

The association Colonias felines Dehesa de Campoamor, with support of CES Torrevieja Project, are calling on the public to help identify the perpetrator so that they can be brought to justice. “ The facts have already been denounced and the case is being investigated and it is only right that the guilty are punished.” “On our part we also want to make the public aware of our outrage at the lack of answers to the complaints that this association has presented.”

“We urge the municipality to take strong action of their own and to keep us advised of any progress they might make.”

For more information you can contact Ana Hernández, President of the Colonias felinas Dehesa de Campoamor. Telephone number: 606 701 767