U3A Cinema Group

U3A Cinema Group

Last Saturday, 29th September, was the inauguration of the Torreveiija U3A Cinema group. A good number of members met up in the bar of the Pilar de Horadada cinema for a reasonably-priced pre-show drink and a natter before going into the cinema itself to watch that weeks offering of english languaged films called “No Mercy.”

This was a Colin FIrth film based on the true story of the first attempt at a non-stop around the world single handed sailing competition that apparently took place way back in 1968 and was actually won by Robin Knox-Johnston. How many people remember that event I wonder??

At the end of the film show, most of the group then drove a short distance to a local chinese restaurant where they enjoyed several courses of a menu set especially for the group.

A delightful evening whjich will be repeated on a monthly basis. Any Torrevieja U3A members that would like to join in should contact the group leader through the torreviejau3a.org website.