Archaeologists Start Their Quest To Discover More About Mojácar´S Ancient Settlement

Archaeologists Start Their Quest To Discover More About Mojácar´S Ancient Settlement

On Monday July 2, the research work that Granada University archaeologists plan to carry out during July on the ancient site of ´Mojácar la Vieja´, was presented to the media and interested residents.

Mojácar Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism, Emmanuel Agüero Leclerc, first of all thanked those sitting with him on the stage for their collaboration; the Valparaíso Foundation Secretary and its President Beatrice Becket, Project Director, José María Martín Civantos and, local historian, Juan Grima Cervantes. He then went on to stress the significance and enormous importance of this project and the value of culture to Mojácar. He also added that it is a project that has the support of the entire Municipal Corporation, as well as the resolve of the current Government Team for its continuity in successive years.

Juan Grima, described it as “a very important day in Mojácar´s history” which would, in three or four years time, hopefully bring to light 90% of what remains of the old city of Mojácar. 

José María Martín Civantos, then outlined the two parts of the project that will be carried out during this year. First of all, the work to clean  the old city cistern has already begun. In a well preserved state, it is located at the highest part and, is one of the most important of the ancient Kingdom of Granada.  What is thought to be the city gate along with parts of the wall and remains of a tower, are the other initial focus points.

The second section of the overall project, is to get members of the public involved in learning about the historical heritage and how it drove the economic, cultural and social life in the past. It is also hoped that there will be those who wish to take an active part by assisting on site.  For those interested, there is a programme of activities including mapping and guided tours in Spanish and English, as well as a photo contest, all designed to the reveal and learn more about Mojácar´s heritage.

The project initially sprang from the Tourism Department three years ago, with an aim to promote tourism that is linked to and, could benefit more from the immense heritage and cultural potential in the town.

Mojácar la Vieja, the ancient settlement of Mojácar, was abandoned in the thirteenth century, although there is evidence of human life going back more than 4,500 years ago and, the land it is on is officially classified as one of cultural interest (BIC).

The archaeological research being carried out by the University of Granada and its members of the Biocultural Archeology Laboratory MEMOlab, will be completing a study of the first Islamic settlements of Almería´s Levante. In their focus on Mojácar, they will be looking into how, over the centuries, relationships between humans and their natural environment have gradually developed, whilst forming the landscape around them.