Eurogolf Ken Wilson Memorial Ford/Med

Eurogolf Ken Wilson Memorial Ford/Med

On Thursday 24th May Eurogolf played a Ford/Med for the Ken Wilson memorial trophy. The top 4 scores were 1st Clive Horne 16 2nd David Gregson 17 c/b 3rd Bert Lawson 17 4thLinda lynch 18 Cat 1 1st Paul Manning 18 2nd Fred Reeve 19 c/b Cat 2 1st Glo Manning 18 2nd John Fairhurst 20 Cat 3 1st Jan Shorley 20 2nd Sharon Horne 22

Ken Wilson Memorial Trophy winner  Clive Horne Best front 9 Eamonn Divine 19 Best back 9 Colin Daye-Gretton 36  NTP´s 5th Tony Forbes 11th  Glo Manning 12th in 2 Duane James 15th David Gregson17th Jan Shorley  Football draw Liz Roberts x 2 Clive Horne Fred Reeve and Jeff Lynch


On Tuesday 22nd May Toffs  played their usual stableford competition and the  results were overall winners 1st David Gregason 40 2nd Felix Mallon 39 3rd Clare Daye-Gretton 37 c/b 4th Alan Venables 37 Cat 1 1st Bill Martin 36 c/b  2nd Paul Manning Cat 2 1st David Blanchette 36 c/b 2nd Caryn Vand der Krujis 36 Cat 3 1st Mike Ivory 35 2nd Monique Reeve 34 

NTP´s 5th Dave Nicholls 11th Bill Martin 12th in 2 Caryn Van de Krujis  15th Felix Mallon 17th Ann Rogers Best front 9 Alan Cowley  21 c/b Best back 9 Tony Forbes 19 Football draw Mark O Williams Robin Richards Francis Buckeridge Alan Venables and Arty Crammon