The kindness of people.

The kindness of people.

I was so sorry that I couldn’t make it over to El Rancho on Thursday but my hip wouldn’t have stood up to it.  By all accounts it was a complete success and I must straight away thank El Rancho and in particular Stewart Hamill for in the main arranging everything.  Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. 

Thanks go also to all the people who turned up to it make such a success including Lynn Greenland and her cakes, Fred Willshire’s boat, Brian Harris, Carolyn Harris, Lesley Day for putting the raffle together, Sue Jordan and not forgetting, of course, Jane Hamill for helping our Stewart.

Thanks to all the people who made individual donations like the folk from Greenlands BC who raised 118 euros between them, thanks Hayley, and a special thanks to El Rancho BC for their donation of 200 euros. 

The kindness of people.

There was no end of others who need thanking but whose names I haven’t got so thank you so much for whatever you did, like Mike Edwards and the International/Irish Team.

Wendy and I are so thankful for all your support and kindness which raised, wait for it ………. 1654 euros.