Eurogolf monthly stableford

Eurogolf monthly stableford

On Thursday 19th April Eurogolf played their monthly stableford off the plates. It was a glorious sunny day and the course is in good condition so some good golf was played. The top 4 scores were 1st Ken Brett 39 c/b 2nd Malcolm Foskett 39 3rd Gill Gordon 37 c/b 4th Norman Woods 37 Cat 1 1st Pete Cleaver 37 2nd Steve Sayers 35 Cat 2 1st Alan Venables 36 c/b 2nd Bruce Gordon 36

Cat 3 1st John Hill 37 c/b 2nd Clare Daye-Gretton 37 April Stableford winner Ken Brett Best front 9 Frances Buckeridge 20 Best back 9 Bob Buckeridge 19  NTP´s 5th John Barraclough 11th  Ian Pegg 12th in 2  Pete  Cleaver 15th Colin Daye-Gretton 17th Gordon Bourne  Football draw Ian Turner Monique Reeve John Fairhurst Tony Stanley and Norman Woods.


On Tuesday 17th April Toffs  played their normal stableford competition and the results were overall winners 1st Geoff Evans 40 c/b 2nd John Fairhurst 40 3rd Ian Turner 38 4th Malcolm Foskett 37 Cat 1 1st Steve Sayers 37 c/b 2nd Arty Crammon  36 Cat 2 1st Stan Low 36 2nd Pam Welsh 34

Cat 3 1st Francis Buckeridge 33 2nd Ken Brett 32 NTP´s 5th Alan Venables  11th Monique Reeve 12th in 2 George McCallum 15th Pam Welsh 17th Kevin Bonser  Best front 9 Linda Lynch 20 Best back 9 Karen Simpson 20 Football draw John Hill Clive Horne Arty Crammon Malcolm Foskett and Felix Mallon.