Provincial Vice President promises action for CARE Group

Provincial Vice President promises action for CARE Group

Founded by HELP Vega Baja, the CARE Group of Torrevieja (Communication and Resource Exchange), brings together charities and other organisations such as social services within the Vega Baja area.

At its most recent meeting held last week at Quiron Salud Hospital Chairperson Michele Masson, welcomed Sr. Eduardo Dolon, Vice President of the Provincial Council of Alicante and key members of his team.  The meeting was also attended by the British Vice Consul from Alicante, a number of local councillors as well as linguist David Codegan who was carrying out research in order to open up a similar organisation in Valencia.

Over 15 organisations and charities were represented at the meeting, all of which introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of the services that they provide.

Sr. Dolon and his team showed particular interest in the Elderly Isolation Project which advised the group on the progress they are making and the funding being sought.

Michele Masson then outlined the idea of a central database providing information of support services and Group/charities which is to be compiled on the Costa Blanca. She said that a volunteer has now been recruited and work will get underway next week.  The Vice Consul said that the Consulate in Malaga had funded such a project in their area and will look into possible ways to assist locally. 

In response to a question put to him Sr. Dolon confirmed that charities could register at more than one town hall. He said that this was in order as well as outlining the benefits including local support and possible funding opportunities.

Vega Baja confirmed that they are exploring the possibility of establishing up a support group for the carers of people with Alzheimer/Dementia.  It is felt that the carers are often forgotten and need support.  Discussion covered options, funding and ideas.  Michele said that she would report at future meetings as to their progress. 

David Codegan said that he had worked extensively with Carer Groups in the UK and offered various ideas in support.

Attendance Allowance training is now being provided by Wendy Burton and Social Services forms training provided by Beatriz Lara, from the Casaverde Fundacion.  It was reported that this session had been well attended and of great value with another now in the pipeline.

After the chairperson had described her experiences at the recent Expo Torrevieja Town Hall agreed to provide a stall at Torrevieja Market so that charities can promote their organization and services.

In winding up the event Sr. Dolon and his team said that they had learnt a great deal about the organisation and the operation of charities and NGO’s in the area, adding that they were extremely interested in the services provided by the charities represented. He said that he looked forward to being involved in the group’s future development and progress.

If you would like information on any of the above, please email Michele at or call 966 723 733 or contact charities in the Vega Baja area direct.