Stewards enquiry adds spice to Montgo Competition

Montgo GS St David´s Day competition

This week our St David´s Day competition returned to its strokesford format at the behest of our sponsors Carla and Vic Chaszczeski.  Our fortunes appear to have reversed weather wise as we were blessed with a mild day, not too hot, not too cold and not too windy.   Only a few players failed to read the email and turned up wearing society green rather than the requested welsh red but being a friendly society they were still permitted to play.

Our sponsors supplied a surfeit of prizes the awarding of which turned out to be a little more fractious than usual.  Having presented all 5 prizes a small voice declared that there may have been an error.  Glenys Cumming patiently waited to collect her trophy only to be left out of the prizes altogether!

Turns out her flight – the first in the clubhouse – left their scorecards on the table and these were promptly tidied away by one of the waitresses.  Because of the format this competition wasn´t entered on the computer so our scorers were unaware of the missing four.  Unfortunately this four included our first and third place players! 

Following a stewards enquiry all mistakes were rectified…the trophy was torn from poor Shaun O´Gormans hand, Peter Gardiner and Penny Barden returned their prizes and order was restored.

So the actual results were as follows.  First place with a magnificent net 14 went to Glenys Cuming. Second place Shaun O´Gorman with 17 points.  Third place Francien Knoops with 19 .  Steve Crossan also on 19 took fourth and Terry Moore came in fifth with 20 points.

Uncontested prizes were NTP on the 3rd John Day with 2.71.  NTP on the 11th Ross Fletcher 3.40 and NTP in 2 on the 18th went to Michel Grin 2.34.  The ladies longest drive was won by Gerian van Ooijen and for the gents ShaunO´Gorman.  Finally two coveted montgo balls were awarded to Gerian and Sue Burman.

So the moral of the story is always hand your cards to someone, preferably one of our scorers.  It gave us all an entertaining end to the day but one I hope not to be repeated.

Next week is our St Patricks day stableford competition sponsored by John Feek.