Wolfpack Celebrates With Bryan.

Bryan Hirst presents the Yorkshire Cup to winner Ted Harris
Bryan Hirst presents the Yorkshire Cup to winner Ted Harris

This month’s Wolfpack Society Day was a double dipper. Not only was this the tenth anniversary of the inauguration of the Yorkshire Cup  – but it coincided with the 80th birthday of its sponsor – Bryan Hirst.

Champagne flowed in the halfway house cafe at Campoamor as we celebrated the arrival of the great man. The tee times were fully booked and 24 players assembled to fight for the honour of being champion.

Before the off, we had a rendition of “On Ilkla Moor Baht ‘At” – much to the bemusement of  some of our Spanish friends. I must admit I got lost after “Wheear ‘ast tha bin sin’ ah saw thee, ah saw thee?”.

The weather was glorious and Bryan saw us off with the first tee shot and then retired to his buggy resplendent with a “Happy Birthday” balloon which no-one admits to fixing.  Play seemed to slow on the back 9, perhaps our older contingent were feeling the pace, but we made it around.

Overall, the consensus was that the golf was enjoyed. With so many players and the scoring tight it was quite a feat to determine who won what. Bryan generously gave all of the players a memento of the day and then it was on to the main prizegiving. The prize for the best guest went to Mick “The Grip” Reeves who amassed 30 points. Mick also took the overall prize in the sweep.

There was no winner of the nearest the pin on the 15th and in a novel turn of events we had an “honesty” auction to award the prize to the “nearest the green” player – which turned out to be ……. Mick “The Grip”. At this point he was glad he had turned up ! Nearest the pin on the 17th was Ray Phillips.

The front nine prize went to Dennis Fox who scored 17 points and the back nine was won with the same number of points by his partner in crime Peter Palmer. In fifth place overall, 27 points, was Dennis Fox, fourth was Bob Eno, also with 27. In third place was Ron Colclough who scored 29 points, losing out on second place on a countback with Peter Palmer.

Bryan presented the Yorkshire Cup to the winner Ted Harris who scored 30 points – a very good return on the day. After all the excitement we tottered off home to bed and reminisced on a fantastic day which was executed to perfection. Happy Birthday, Bryan …..