Out and about with the Humanists of Murcia

Out and about with the Humanists of Murcia
Out and about with the Humanists of Murcia

Early December Walk 2017

Twenty-three walkers set off near La Santa and were soon witnessing the chaos in the rambla caused by the drought and pine tree disease. The party spilt after emerging into the clear air and the majority went up the steep track, while the sensible took to the road.

On reaching La Santa, some walkers refilled their bottles with holy water.

There was a pit stop at the bar at the top of the hill. Jon told of the history of St Eulalia. He got his dates wrong and only later research came up with a second saint with a similar story but based in Barcelona in AD 304.

Humanists Early December walk 2
Humanists Early December walk

It was a quick descent and into Restaurante La Cruz for lunch.

Humanists of Murcia Winter Sostice Celebration

In celebration of the passing of the shortest day of the year, and the start of the journey back towards longer summer days, we held a “Pot Luck Lunch” at Cortijo Raja, Morata. Luckily the weather was excellent and we were able to dine Al fresco.

The group included members, family and friends, and the large selection of festive fare which they brought provided an ample lunch for all.

Ruma´s general knowledge quiz provided some exercise for the brain after the meal.

Boxing Day Walk 2017

Seventeen guilty people met at Oasis in Bolnuevo to walk off the extra pounds (kgs) that they had consumed over the weekend. They followed the coast towards Percheles, negotiating the new barriers erected by the Agente Ambiente and arrived at the Roman Quay to discover no French woman in a cave and the parking area planted with palm trees. The Agente have been busy.

The party split with everyone heading for the main track while 3 of us took to the beach and the cliffs.

Humanists Solstice party
Humanists Solstice party

At the “bullfighter’s plot”, they separated again while several ambled back along the coast, the rest set off up the valley.

We all ended up at Restaurante Las Redes on the Bolnuevo Paseo. We were joined by the President, the Hon. Secretary and a well known local gardener, painter and music aficionado. Great food, different from the norm for a menu del dia.

Please see our website, Humanists of Murcia.com for our programme of activities, and if you would like to arrange a non religious funeral, wedding or naming ceremony, you can contact us via the website, or speak directly to our humanist celebrant on 634025711.