National Police and Civil Guard demand wage parity with Local Police

National Police and Civil Guard demand parity in wages
National Police and Civil Guard demand parity in wages

National Police Officers and Guardia Civil agents, members of la Asociación Justicia Salarial de Policías y Guardias Civiles (JUSAPOL), held a rally in Orihuela city on Wednesday where they were appealing for public support in their demands for parity in the salary structures of their organisations with the Local Police.

They were collecting signatures at the Glorieta ‘Gabriel Miró’ in Orihuela to demand that their salaries be brought in line, especially with the autonomous and local police.

Currently local police, especially in the larger cities, earn an average of 2,100 euros per month, whilst the national police officers are paid rather less at approximately 1,400 euros per month.

But it is not only the wages, but all the add ons, extra payments, overtime and suchlike but as one demonstrator, José Vicente explained, “being related to basic salary, the retirement pay of a national guard officer is about 1,000 euros, whilst that of a local agent is double”.

“It is not fair that there are first, second and third division policemen, and that the police with the most responsibilities and the best valued by the public are those that are considered the least important when it comes to remuneration.”

This is just one initiative in the Association’s drive for parity as they set out in a bid to collect half a million signatures with which to demand an equal wage and salary structure between all three of the security agencies.
