Water Confederation at odds with Orihuela council

Water Confederation at odds with Orihuela council
Water Confederation at odds with Orihuela council

CHS, the Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura, has refused to rectify the damage caused by Orihuela municipal trucks during the recent clean-up of the river. They have also urged the Council to move the city shield elsewhere

As such the Department of Infrastructure has now said that it will repair the damage caused at the Segura dam, as well as removing the dirt caused by the movement of vehicles whilst they were cleaning up the site of mud and sludge last spring.

However, after the ​​Orihuela clean-up request, the CHS has responded that “it might also be appropriate to rethink the location of the city shield and move it to another place so that there is no interference with the functionality of the Segura river”.

Juan Ignacio López-Bas, the Orihuela councillor responsible for infrastructure, has shown his surprise and discomfort for the “lack of sensitivity that CHS has shown in this matter.”

He added “we will not even consider changing the location of the shield, for which the CHS gave express authorisation, even changing the channelling to divert the algae that previously stained the weir “.