Broken pylon a danger to pedestrians and traffic

Broken pylon a danger to pedestrians and traffic
Broken pylon a danger to pedestrians and traffic

Local residents are appalled in La Regia at Iberdrola’s neglect of a broken electricity pylon which presents a danger to pedestrians and motorists who are passing by.

The post, situated in Calle Isla Cabrera, has been in its present state for over 6 months and, despite regular denuncias to Iberdrola and letters to the Orihuela Town Hall, absolutely nothing has been done.

The pylon is gradually leaning further over so it would seem only a matter of time before it completely topples over.

“This is clearly yet another indication that Iberdrola simply don’t care about the welfare of it’s clients” said one dweller. “Surely the council’s health and safety people, or even the police, can make the power company carry out the necessary work.”

The base off the pylon was badly damaged following a vehicle accident at the beginning of the year since which time the post has been in its present and dangerous state.