“Christmas Starts Here” ….. Concert by In Harmony

IN HARMONY Chamber Choir - conducted by Nigel Hopkins
IN HARMONY Chamber Choir - conducted by Nigel Hopkins

The annual Christmas concert, “CHRISTMAS STARTS HERE”, will be held in La Zenia church on Sunday 10th December at 7.30pm. It will feature the Costa’s leading chorus, IN HARMONY – conducted by Nigel Hopkins.

This year’s concert will be extra special as included in the programme will be the Christmas music from Handel’s Messiah. This all-time favourite work has thrilled audiences for more than two and a half centuries and will be a special feature of this concert.

Included in this Christmas celebration will be many Christmas songs and carols heard in the best cathedrals around the world, and will include many favourite carols especially for audience participation.

This year Nigel Hopkins’ choirs reached a charity fund-raising total of €50,000, and a substantial donation from this concert will benefit La Zenia church. Tickets are €10 each, and are available only from La Ponderosa Gift Shop at La Zenia C.C. (next to Consum). Places are limited so you are advised to book early to avoid disappointment.