Over 400 Police to provide security at Rico Perez International

Spain at the Rico Perez in advance of Friday's game

Over 400 National and Guardia Civil officers together with members of the Policia Local, will provide the security on Friday night for the World Cup International between Spain-Albania in Alicante’s Rico Pérez stadium.

In addition, Red Cross, Civil Protection and medical personnel will also be on duty to cover a football match “that it is hoped will take place without any incident, in a calm and peaceful manner. both on and off the field”, according to the sub delegate of the Government in Alicante , José Miguel Saval.

He said that there will be no additional security measures taken despite the recent violence and the political conflict in Catalonia.

However, he said that “the Government of Spain has a responsibility to ensure the safety of those people attending a sports event of this magnitude,” and he is confident that the security forces have the matter fully in hand.

When asked about the abuse that the Barcelona player Gerard Piqué had suffered as a result of his outspoken views on the Catalan Independence issue, and the blow that the National team would be dealt if he said that he hopes the player “has a great game, like any other player in the Spanish team that is putting on the red shirt, the colours of Spain,”. He hopes that the evening will be a celebration of football and that, as victors, Spain qualify for the World Cup finals.