Archangel Michael……The Mighty Warrior Angel


We often call Michael “”St Michael” especially since Pope Pius named him the official patron saint of police officers and soldiers.  No wonder…Michael is the defender of light and goodness and his chief role is to escort fallen people away so they cannot hurt other people. Michael and his assistant angels, known as the The Band of Mercy take negatively minded people (both living and deceased) to the light of God where their minds are healed.

Archangel Michael is the might warrior angel who protects the vulnerable and gives the strength and courage to those who need it.  He often appears as a deep blue light or as a huge being, carrying a sword and shield.

Many people have reported they have returned home and glimpsed him or angels standing by their front door on guard duty and they are inevitably filled with a wonderful feeling of safety. He is known as the protector and will look after your home, your car and your family.  Remember: when you ask him to watch over you, you must have faith that he is there. This means when you invoke him to protect your home while you away, you must let him do it.  If you keep worrying about it, it tells Archangel Michael that you do not trust him and he withdraws his energy.

Call upon Michael whenever you feel frightened by negative sources. If you are in a crowded place populated by upset people, for instance, ask Michael to cleanse away the negative energy. In the same vein, whenever you become burdened by worries and fears, ask Michael to cleanse your mind and heart. Angels can enter deep inside our bodies and thoughts and help us to see things from a more loving point of view.

Paintings of Michael often show him holding scales of justice in his hands as he is the overseer of truth and fairness. If you feel someone is treating you unfairly, ask Michael to intervene.  You´ll receive a miraculous solution, such as the other person suddenly calling with an apology or change of heart.

It´s a good idea to invite Michael´s presence into a room of your house or office that has a negative energy about it. For instance, if you lived in a home previously occupied by unhappy people, ask Michael to purify the environment. I always ask Michael to clear the energy in the room or venues that I give workshops as Michael´s angelic energy creates a relaxed, loving atmosphere for the participants and me.

Whenever you are upset, call upon Michael to restore harmony and peace. If you travel into areas that feel unsafe in any way, be sure to ask Michael to guide you and protect you. You can ask Him to intervene in contentious partnerships or marriages suffering from discord. Think of Michael as the protector of joy and you´ll always know when it is time to call for his help.

Those of you that are fire signs……Aries, Sagittarius and Leo are automatically aligned to his energy


WOULD you like to be attuned to Archangel Michael´s energy? An attunement is an initiation when you are connected directly to his energy and can call on him at any time. You will feel an increase in your energy at once and experience a great peace. Angel energy is powerful and when you connect directly to Archangel Michael, his protection is felt immediately.

The attunement also means that you can work with him and make a difference to the world. The wonderful thing about the attunement is that you will then be able to attune people yourself so that wonderful energy can be spread gradually all over the world….just think about family and friends and anyone you may feel can spread this wonderful energy.

Archangel Michael attunement workshops are regularly held is being held by Christine Quinlan in La Marina. For more information contact her on 966 795  103…or email: