Arrest after two armed robberies in Sax

An arrest within just 72 hours of the second robbery

The Alicante Civil Guard has arrested a 38-year-old Spaniard in Sax in connection with two robberies, both committed at gunpoint. In a raid on his home the police seized 2 imitation pistols and clothing that is thought to have been used during the two crimes.

The first robbery occurred on August 9 at a local shop in the town of Aspe when the robber held a shopkeeper at gunpoint demanding the takings from the till.  As he ran from the store he ran through a group of young children to a car parked outside.

After fleeing the scene at full speed, several witnesses told the investigators that the car registration plates were covered to prevent recognition.

A week later, the man carried out a second robbery, this time in a supermarket, using exactly the same modus operandi. He held a member of staff at gunpoint as he emptied the till of its takings. Once again the amount stolen amounted to little over 300 euro.

With his face completely covered he then fled the scene, although this time it was in another make of vehicle.

The Civil Guard of Sax, Aspe and the Judicial Police team of Novelda, all worked together in solving the crime and making the arrest within just 72 hours of the second robbery taking place.

The arrest was carried out on Monday when the robber was charged with theft with violence and intimidation at the two commercial premises in Sax.

The man, who has no previous history of criminal activity, was recognised from the recordings of security cameras placed outside the supermarket.

Police said that his strong addiction to drugs led him to commit the robberies in his desperation to obtain quick money to feed his narcotic habits.