An even quieter week, with the final league match played on Friday 14th; South Alicante Spitfire Division:  SL Wellingtons were away at Quesada v Q Blenheims. In spite of the breeze it was an extremely hot morning and a lot of us wilted in the heat of battle. Unfortunately the game didn’t go the way we hoped, finishing: 4points – 10, shots 88-118. Well done to : Carol Lowry, Ann Holland, Keith Lowry 26-7, Judy Carroll, Jan Pocock, Brian Pocock 24-23.

San Luis Open Summer Rinks, is running on Tuesday evenings 6:00/6:30 from 20th June- 1st August. After the first 4 weeks the top 5 teams are “The Laties” 6 points (+8 shots), on 4 points are: Isla Luis (+22), “Dribs & Drabs” (+19), “San Luis Blues” (+6), “No Pasa Nada” (+2).

Still ongoing is the “egg cup challenge” –  4 matches of 6 trips home & away v our close neighbours La Siesta, after 3 weeks we are 1-5 down with 1 match to go!!


Whereas some clubs may be considering reducing their entries for the coming winter season, San Luis Bowls Club is going back to 4 for the South Alicante league on a Monday and 4 for the Southern league on a Friday.

Being a competitive club does not mean that there is not room for everyone in ALL divisions to get at least one game a week. We will have 1 in Div A, 1 in Div B and 2 in Div C and it is as much the latter where we welcome players – either those who have played in the leagues and want to continue, or those who are now ready to test the water and get involved and above all enjoy the game.

Your commitment to joining San Luis BC would be needed BY 1st August with membership commencing 1st September. However by joining in July there would be no charge for August when bowling at San Luis.

For further information please contact the Club Captain – June Jones 966 188 920 or 691 903 773.

You can also check out our club website:

Sheila Cammack