One of the finest jewels in the area’s golfing crown must be the lovely, but challenging, course at Las Colinas. A buzz of excitement always rustles through the attending ensemble whenever we visit the “hidden valley”. 

It was a hot & sunny June day & with quite a few areas off limits for buggies, it was also an energy sapping experience for the 33 members and 5 guests.

Today was the final of the Roger Pearson Doubles Matchplay with Robin (I can chip in from anywhere) Eastman and Ken Flaherty thrashing Barry Roehrig and Kenny Reddington 5&4.

The five NTP’s went to Robin Eastman (5), Noel Bannon (7), Theo Boelhouwer (10), Ron Stenhouse (14) & Steve Belshaw (17).

Results for each category were.

. Bronze category – 4th Phil Birtwistle (29 C/B), 3rd, Neal Sheldon (31), 2nd, Kyree Skarsmoen (33) & 1st Marge Birtwistle (36). 
Silver winners were 4th, Phil deLacy (30), 3rd, Ken Flaherty (31), 2nd Steve Belshaw (33) & 1st Theo Boelhouwer (36). 
Gold Category 4th, Noel Bannon (31), 3rd, Norman Cahill (33), 2nd, Jamie Rorison (39) & with the best score of the day 1st, Robin Eastman with 41 points.

Best Visitor with 35 points was Andrew Macdonald just pipping Richard Lewis with 34 points.

Our thanks go to all the staff at Las Colinas for their warm welcome and generous prizes on the day.

Keep in touch with all society matters through & simply give Theo a buzz on 694494824 for all details of Wed meetings. Please book as early as you possibly can because tee times at all local courses are filling up quickly. Next week we are at La Manga.