On Thursday 25th May Eurogolf  played a Waltz  which is a team game where you take 1 score on the 1st hole, 2 scores on the 2nd and 3 scores on the 3rd  and so forth giving the format 123 like a waltz!.

With an impressive score of 85 the winning team was Alan Venables, John Kirkwood, Colin Hobden and Mike Gillett. 2nd Pino Perito Tony Stanley  Liz Roberts Claire Daye-Gretton 81 3rd Sue Gillett John Connolly Gordon Bourne Gina Ashworth 79 c/b NTP´s 5th Sue Gillett 11th Geoff Evans 12th in 2 George McCallum 15th Fred Reeve 17th John Barraclough  Football Martin Rogers Fred Reeve Liz Roberts John Connolly and Debbie Weedon

                                               TUESDAY TOFFS

On Tuesday 23th  May Toffs played their normal stableford and the results were Cat 1 (0-15) 1st George McCallum 41 2nd Pete Gartside 39 3rd  David Gregson 36 c/b  Cat 2 (16-20) 1st Ian Turner 37  2nd Alan Venables  36 3rd Glo Manning 34 Cat 3 (21-26) 1st Angelique Berndt 35 2nd Terry Sayers 32 c/b 3rd Bruce Gordon 32 c/b Cat 4 (27 +) 1st Sharon Horne 34 2nd Kevin Bonser 32 c/b3rd Brian Jones 32 c/b  

Overall Toffs winner George McCallum 41 (playing off 4)  

Best front 9 Ian Pegg 20 Best back 9 Arty Crammon 20 NTPs 5th Clive Horne 11th Dave Nichols 12th in 2 Franz Berndt

15th Pino Perito 17th Glo Manning  Football Pino Perito David Valentine Morag Turner David Gregson and Ken Brett. La Marquesa have made massive improvements to the course and its in superb condition so if you would like to play with Eurogolf at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website