A beautiful sunny day, blue skies, sunshine and hectares and hectares of fantastic wild flowers intermingled blue, yellow, purple and shades in between. A kind of once in a lifetime viewing. All most impressive.

There were also happy faces as Wales had won the night before and a degree of uncertainty as to whether England and Arsenal would emulate that result the coming evening. However all was well.

The group was 34 in number, slightly larger than normal with visitors and friends enjoying the spring weather. Lots of topics for discussion on the way round the walk from the ever present Brexit to the comments of the retiring judge on alcohol and rape victims.

At the halfway point, Rhian mentioned 2 separate judicial decisions regarding the Jewish religion as they  appeared to be decisions flying in the face of the facts. Faith schools in the UK continue to be monitored by the BHA in view of their wholly divisive effect on communities and integration in UK.

Following the walk, El Puente restaurant in La Majada provided their usual excellent repast.

All in all a good day!