Cayetano Portugués said that "it is necessary to be aware of the fact that the final decision will be made by the Conselleria of Housing and Public Works which is directed by the PSOE

On Tuesday the members of the Orihuela Compromís attended the meeting on the Territorial Action Plan for the Green Coastal Infrastructure of the Region of Valencia (PATIVEL), which took place in Alicante.

Cala Mpsca could soon disappear under tons of concrete
Cala Mosca could soon disappear under tons of concrete

During the meeting the Eco socialist party made a case for Cala Mosca to be included within the PATIVEL, giving voice to the residents of Orihuela and Orihuela Costa who want to preserve this last stretch of the natural coastal environment.

Compromís spokesperson for Orihuela, Cayetano Portugués, said that “we must all be aware of the enormous importance of Cala Mosca, one of the last undeveloped stretches of the coast.”

Portugués criticised the municipal government that “at no time has it listened to or considered the will of the local residents, demonstrating a complete disregards the people and their total indifference  in protecting this particular area and our environment in general.”

Compromís for Orihuela said that “we have presented suggestions of how to deal with the problem and we have attended the necessary meetings with the Conselleria, now the groups that represent our City council should act with the same forcefulness.”

Finally, Cayetano Portugués said that “it is necessary to be aware of the fact that the final decision will be made by the Conselleria of Housing and Public Works which is directed by the PSOE. Therefore we have hopes that the socialists will come to the same decisions.