1st Place - Net Handicap 11.60, David Swann, Michel Goujon - 55.40 Shots.

A total of 23 members, guests and wives took advantage of El Plantio 2’s ‘Away’ Days at La Manga club over the New Year weekend, superbly organised by club vice-captain Lawrence Wanty’s wife Theresa.

Very competitive rates were offered for a 3 night’s stay at the 5 Star Hotel Principe Felipe, which included 2 rounds of golf on the immaculate yet demanding championship courses with wives taking advantage of the Hotel’s facilities.

10 members – some braving seasonal colds – played the South and North courses. Winner on the 1st day was Mel Hope with 28 points and Kenton Wanty triumphed on the final day with a very creditable 34 points. So successful was the experience that suggestions for a similar outing was made for June – watch this space.

Fresh from their triumphs – or disasters  – from the weekend on the big courses, some members had to adjust their games from playing 6000 metre courses to a 1000 metre 9 hole course for Tuesday’s Foursome competition. 7 pairings competed playing alternate shots in a ‘Medal’ format.

Nearest the pins : Hole 2, Lawrence Wanty – Hole 9, Keith Smith.

3rd Place – Net Handicap 15.25, Alan Janes, Penny Goujon – 58.75 Shots.

2nd Place – Net Handicap 10.55, Keith Smith, Mike Davies – 56.45 Shots.

1st Place – Net Handicap 11.60, David Swann, Michel Goujon – 55.40 Shots.

If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses – the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230.

David Swann