On Sunday 10th July on the beach Playa Paraiso, Mar Menor, the organisation “Esclerosis Multiple Asociacion de Cartagena y Comarca” hosted the “VII Travesia Solidaria Playa Paraiso”.

The two sea races were split between the younger children swimming 600m and the rest of the competitors covering a distance of 1500m. Club Natacion Torrevieja was represented by 5 swimmers, Amy Connolly being the youngest and gaining 5th place in the 600m Alevin (11 &12 years)category with a time of 5:41.

In the longer of the two races, Zoe Connolly, Skye Burns, Beth Altabas and Vicki Connolly swam against 120 swimmers over 1500m course marked out with buoys.  Zoe came 7th in the Infantil category (14&15yrs) with a time of 20:11 and Syke with a time off approximately 23 minutes as she missed the second buoy was not ranked.

Vicki in the Masters 50+ age group came in first with a time of 23:27 and Beth Altabas continued in the winning theme coming first in the Masters 60+ age group. In two weeks time the Club swim again in the XII Port of Torre de la Horadada Traversia.