This week Orihuela celebrates the final few days of its very successful Moors and Christians Fiesta that got underway at the beginning of the month.

The two principle parades are the Christian Parade which gets underway at 9.30pm on Friday evening and the Moors Parade starting at 9pm on Saturday so if you haven’t as yet attended I would strongly urge you to go along. You will not be disappointed.

The Friday Parade is led by the Christian Associations, resplendent in their traditional finery followed by lots of dancers. The celebrations then continue in the two Moors and Christian camps. On Saturday it is the turn of the Moors Associations which will bring the month long celebrations to a close.

Transport to both parades will leave the Playa Flamenca Town Hall at 7.30 pm calling in at Entrenaranjos at about 8pm. The cost for the return journey will be 5.40€ and 2.70€ respectively. But you must first reserve you seat by calling or emailing the Tourist Office on 96 676 00 00 or orihuelaplaya@touristinfo.net