norweski bokmål
Selling a Spanish Property
What are the costs of selling a property in Spain?
There are costs which must be paid when selling a Spanish property. These include:
- Real Estate Agency commission / fees: if you decide to sell you property in Spain using the services of a real estate agent, you will have signed a „Listing Agreement” (or a final „Sales Agreement”) with them. This agreement should state the costs of their service. Some agencies charge a fixed fee while others work on a commission basis of between 3% and 6%.
- Capital Gains Tax (plusvalia): the amount of capital gains tax you will pay is variable.
What documents are required to sell a Spanish property?
In order to sell your property your Real Estate Agent / Solicitor will need the following documentation and information (if applicable) about your home:
- Identity documents for all owners – DNI, NIE and / or Passport
- Valid and Current Habitation Certificate (Cedula de habitilidad)
- Valid and Current Community Certificate (showing that all community fees are paid up to date)
- Title Deeds (Escritura)
- Last property Tax (IBI) receipt
- Last electricity (Iberdrola) and wáter (Aguagest) bills
- EPC (Energy Performance Rating) Certificate
- Mortgage details – the name of the bank where you hold a mortgage (if applicable)
If you are a Fiscal Resident, you will need to provide a tax certificate showing your up to date declarations
Your Estate Agent may also request a set of keys for viewings.
norweski bokmål