
Iconic British Things With Unique Spanish Versions

As two very different cultures, the British and Spanish feel very separated in what makes them tick. Of course, things like football are universal...

The Leader Daily Briefing – Thursday 16 May 2024

European Court to decide on double leave for single mums, 4,000 kilos of hashish camouflaged in chocolate bar wrappers seized, and majority of people...

Torrevieja among the five Spanish cities with the “lowest well-being” in the country

Historically famed for the microclimate that brought health benefits due to the location in a natural park area, with an ecosystem supported by the lagoons, and shadow-protected by the surrounding mountains, not to mention the benefits of the Mediterra...

Mojácar base for swearing in of 22 new firefighters

The Levante Almeriense Firefighters Consortium has seen its workforce reinforced with 22 new members. The municipality of Mojácar hosted the swearing in of the...

Alicante Airport Interior to be Linked to Emergency Communication Network

The Valencia regional government has authorised an agreement between the Department of Finance, Economy and Public Administration and the airport operator AENA to provide...


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