
Police officers injured in Santiago de la Ribera car chase

Local police agents were able to recover a car that had been stolen in la calle Virgen de la Caridad in Santiago de la...

Advice from British Embassy and Catalan Gov following terrorist attacks

On 17/18 August 2017, there were 2 terrorist-related incidents where vehicles were driven directly at pedestrians, resulting in injuries and loss of life. These...

Positive Outcome for Cabo Roig Business Meeting

The local council will this week give a deep clean to the public footpaths all along the Cabo Roig Strip. Also much needed small...

Five terrorists shot dead in 2nd Spain attack

Five terrorists have been shot dead by the Mossos d'Esquadra, the Catalunya Police, and six civilians have been injured in an attack early on...

At least one dead in Barcelona attack

Conflicting statements from Barcelona are reporting that a white van has driven down the centre of Las Ramblas, perhaps the busiest part of the...


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