
Arrest on suspicion of abduction after 2-year-old linked with Alicante found

By Andrew Atkinson A man has been detained at Glasgow Airport on suspicion of abduction after a missing two-year-old girl was found at Manchester Airport,...

Murcia and Madrid disagree on Mar Menor recovery

BLAME GAME The environmental problems surrounding the Mar Menor have now led to a political blame game after more than five tonnes of dead...

Tribute to former councillor Eduardo Gil Rebollo

On Tuesday, August 31, coinciding with the first anniversary of the death, the Torrevieja City Council, paid tribute to it’s former councillor José Eduardo...

Phase 2 underway in refurbishment of Antonio Sequeros de Benejúzar school

Improvements at the Antonio Sequeros de Benejúzar school are progressing at a good pace. The second phase is now underway in buildings 1 and...

Register to Vote! Your Vote Matters!

In the 2019 local elections there was a great deal of apathy amongst the international community where just 2,000 expatriates voted out of just...


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