There is still the belief that health is for those who can pay for it, but the Greens have always believed that the right to health is universal and should not exclude anyone, especially the most vulnerable, they say in a press release.

“Denying medical attention to someone who does not have resources, apart from being inhumane, is a mistake; opens the door to the spread of communicable diseases, by not having the control and identification of them due to the lack of attention”, affirms Israel Muñoz, the mayoral candidate for Los Verdes in Torrevieja.

“The Greens are defenders of the National Health System, universal and free health care, as well as equity in access to centres and benefits for all citizens, regardless of the town and autonomous community in which they reside”, said the spokesperson.

One of our proposals in this matter is the creation of a municipal Oral Health service, aimed at people with economic needs and who cannot afford to access these services, as well as creating a line of optical aids so that the residents of Torrevieja can access them. In the city of Barcelona, ​​this service is widely accepted and benefits the population.

They will also promote the creation of new Homes for the Third Age, new Public Residences, the generalisation of Geriatric Services, including Day Centres and home help.

In terms of prevention, they will continue to promote educational programs and activities that encourage good eating habits and physical exercise.

They will also continue to fight for the treatment plant to work properly and not have to suffer from its disgusting and toxic odours in our streets and houses.

“There is much to do to improve our city, and we will do it together with the support of all of us who want a better Torrevieja,” concluded the spokesman for Los Verdes.