Officers from the National Police arrested a woman in Alicante after her 17-month-old son suffered intoxication with THC, the psychoactive principle of cannabis.

The child was admitted to the General Hospital in Alicante after consuming some snacks that imitate the Cheetos brand of corn-based snack, although these contained THC in their composition. During his admission, the child presented severe symptoms such as vomiting and loss of consciousness.

The mother, who was released after declaring before the police authorities, was accused of the crimes of injury and temporary abandonment of a minor. According to her version of events, she mistakenly acquired the snacks in a grocery store. However, the National Police carried out the necessary checks and discovered that her version was false, after they inspected the store and checked the CCTV.

The police became involved after staff at the General Hospital alerted the authorities about the state of the minor. Medical tests confirmed that the child had ingested tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main component of cannabis, so they activated the protocol for these cases and contacted the National Police.

The agents went to the hospital and, after meeting with the mother and health personnel, confirmed that the minor had ingested some children’s snacks from a bag provided by his mother. The sale of these “snacks”, called “Thcheetos” and which contain THC, is prohibited in Spain, although they can be found on the internet along with other foods that also contain tetrahydrocannabinol.

The minor recovered and was discharged two days after being admitted. The mother is at the disposal of the Alicante court to investigate the case.