Historic win for ‘Las Leonas’


SPAIN women’s XV rugby team defeated Sweden in the European Championship final, with a landslide 90-5 win at the Municipal Stadium El Pantano, Vila Joiosa. The ‘Las Leonas’ made history in women’s rugby, winning the tournament for the sixth consecutive year.

Under the helm of Juan González, Spain dominated throughout to record a tenth Euro championship title.

Mayor of Vila Joiosa, Councillor for Sports in Vila, President of the Spanish Rugby Federation, President of the Valencian Rugby Federation, and Vice President of Costa Blanca Rugby Club, presented medals to players.

Andreu Verdú, Mayor of Vila Joiosa said: “It is a new feat and congratulations go to the Leonas XV.

“Most sincere gratitude goes to the Spanish Rugby Federation in trusting Vila Joiosa for such an important sporting event, elevating our municipality to the highest level of national and international rugby.”

José Ramón Uclés, Vilero Sports Councillor said: “Congratulations to the coaching staff, management, players and fans for the manner in which they lead the Spanish team to victory.”