Celebrating the last night of Chanukah


On the evening of Sunday, 25th December, the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community, along with Jewish people all over the world, celebrated the last night of Chanukah.

The large, 8-branched candelabra, otherwise known as a Menorah, is usually lit on the beach at Playa Flamenca but, due to Covid restrictions, this has not happened during the last 3 years. This year, the Menorah was lit in Campoverde.

The story of Chanukah commemorates victory of Judas Maccabi over the Greek king, Antiochus in AD167. There was only enough oil in the temple to keep the light burning for one night, but this time it lasted for 8 nights.

For further information about the SCBJC, please look at the website www.southerncostablancajewishcommunity.org.