Light exercise after suffering from Covid
Light exercise after suffering from Covid

Exercising helps you stay fit and healthy, both mentally and physically. However, if you’ve had COVID-19, you may wonder when you should start working out without harming your body in any way.

You must always make sure that you’re free from the symptoms of COVID-19, which you can also check at home quickly using the Healgen СOVID-19 test. You can easily get your hands on a test kit from Target or your nearest pharmacy. You should also listen to your body when returning to exercise.

Nevertheless, we will talk about several valuable tips in this article to help you return to exercise if you’ve had COVID-19. Let’s dive into it!

1.    Wait Until You’re Feeling Better

It’s generally recommended to wait for at least seven to ten days to ensure there are no COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If you don’t wait for your symptoms to go away, your conditions may worsen, and you may fall seriously ill.  

That’s why you should be patient and take time to feel better before you start exercising. It’s recommended to ask your doctor when you can start exercising again as they can better guide you.

2.    Start Slow

You must start off slow and gradually build up your intensity. This way, you will allow your body to start adjusting to the activity without making you feel bad. It’s better to start with walking or stretching accompanied by breathing exercises to improve your respiratory system too.

You should keep doing low-intensity exercises for a couple of weeks before you can boost your pace. Remember that everyone’s body is different, so you should listen to your body, and if it allows you to build your activity levels up, then only go for it.

In case you need professional assistance, you can always ask a personal trainer to build a tailored program for you that gradually increases in intensity.

3.    Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Of course, your body needs fuel to start working out. Therefore, you should ensure that you start eating well and staying well-hydrated to give your body the energy it needs to perform different activities as well as recover as soon as possible. Make sure to have a balanced diet, including dairy, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.  

If you don’t eat well and maintain adequate fluid levels in your body, you can’t expect to recover quickly from the symptoms of COVID-19 and start smashing your workouts.

4.    Be Kind to Yourself

Last but not least, you shouldn’t be hard on yourself, as it can elevate your stress levels and make you feel sicker. Remember that you went through a hard time, and expecting your body to start working out as it used to will lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointments.  

Even if you need time off during your exercise days, it’s completely okay to do so and be compassionate with yourself. Making your mental and physical health a priority during this time will make things a lot better for you. 

Image courtesy of Pavel Danilyuk: