The Platform for the Defense of the Road Transport Sector agreed on Saturday to “temporarily suspend” the strike that it had been holding since March 14. However, sources in the sector explained that they will resume the protests whenever they consider it “opportune”.

Many of the larger carriers reached an agreement with the Government on Friday, March 25, but the convening platform distanced itself from the large associations and has been holding strikes for the last 20 days.

The Platform claims to represent the medium and small companies that account for 85% of the sector and are still smarting after they were not invited to sit at the negotiating table with the government and representatives of the main haulage companies.

They emphasised in their statement that It is not an end, but a “temporary suspension”.

The suspension of the protests comes on the same day that the discount of 20 cents per liter of fuel comes into force for all drivers, one of the measures that the Government agreed with all legally recognized organisations, within a package of 1,000 million euros in aid for the sector.