Amaranthus cruentus – Prince of Feathers – makes a striking statement in any bed or border in your garden.

Growing upto 6 feet in height, it’s a busy upright growing annual, that bears fuzzy tropical looking spires of large purplish red flowers and large oblong purple leaves, all through summer into early autumn; followed by showy seed heads that can be red, purple or yellow.

The flowers and the seed heads are both good for cutting or drying.

Plant in fertile, moist soil in full sun.  During dry spells, water freely to prolong flowering, but ensure there is no standing water, as root rot can be a problem.

Collect the seed heads and store in a paper bag or envelope in a cool dry place ready for propagation in mid spring.

Amaranthus are prone to problems that can affect the foliage, such as white rust, brown rust, viruses, and aphids, but are worth it with their showy plumes of large purplish red flowers.

Garden Felix