By Andrew Atkinson

The Local Police in Los Alcázares have warned of an ‘exhaustive control’ to be carried out by the agents of the VMP, especially on electric scooters.

“The number has increased surprisingly, and with it the infractions that are committed in their use,” said a police spokesperson.

“Consequently, an increase in accidents have derived from poor driving. We inform we are working on an ordinance that regulates the use of VMPs.

“They must be able to make their coexistence with other road users and pedestrians more comfortable.

“We will apply the national legislation in force in this regard, denouncing infringements,” added the spokesperson.

Excess of occupants: they can only transport one person; the driver.

Circulation on sidewalks, pedestrian areas or promenades: they must do so on the road, never along the promenade.

Lack of lighting or, failing that, reflective clothing between sunset and sunrise.

Driving with a rate higher than 0.25 md/l of alcohol in air or the presence of drugs.

Use of telephone or headphones.

Breach of traffic rules or traffic signs: driving in the wrong direction or not respecting traffic lights are the most common.

“Remember that the penalties are the same as for drivers in general,” said the spokesperson.

Caption: An increase in accidents have derived from poor driving of electric scooters.