Mayor Visits “Mojácar La Vieja” dig

Mayor Visits “Mojácar La Vieja” dig
Mayor Visits “Mojácar La Vieja” dig

Mojácar Mayor, Rosa María Cano, joined by Tourism Councillor, Emmanuel Agüero, and the Director of the Local Council’s Tourism Department, Carmen García Campoy, has paid a visit to “Mojácar la Vieja” and the works being carried out in the 2021 excavation campaign.

Accompanied by José María Civantos, coordinator of the Memolab biocultural archaeological laboratory, which is part of the University of Granada’s Medieval History Department, the Mojácar Mayor was able to see on the ground the great advances made so far.

Despite the 2021 campaign being much shorter than in previous years, there has been a great deal of progress: the theories which the archaeologists have been developing over the two years of study have been consolidated, and, most importantly for the moment, they are reinforcing and protecting the remains already uncovered in order to preserve them until next year when work is resumed.

During the visit Rosa María Cano had the opportunity to exchange views about future actions which will be carried out in the next few years and expressed her complete support, and that of Mojácar Council, for this project, as well as for the major importance of Mojácar la Vieja for understanding the people and the culture of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries when the town was first established, until it moved to the location we know now. She also wanted to highlight its restoration as an important added value to the locality’s tourism offer, already one of the most important in the province.

Next Thursday 9th September, the results of the latest works and studies carried out up to date will be presented in the Plaza del Frontón at 9pm. Mojácar la Vieja is established as an important point for the urban, archaeological, social, farming and livestock study of the first Islamic settlements located in the Levante region of Almería.

At the same time, according to Jose María Civantos, the investigation strategy at Mojácar La Vieja is also aimed at highlighting its importance and so that people can visit it and understand what a Medieval era settlement like this is like and understand what the origins of Mojácar village are.