Catmint is an aromatic herb that is commonly grown in the garden, that blooms throughout Summer and Autumn.

They can be mass planted in Spring throughout a border, containers or used as an edging plant, with its clusters of beautiful lavender-blue flowers amid mounds of gray-green foliage.

It also has many herbal and culinary uses, such as: Leaves and shoot can be added to soups and sauces.

Tea made from the leaves and flowers can be used for calming nerves and relieving coughs, congestion and menstrual cramps.

As an insect repellent and is especially good, when planted near your vegetable garden as a deterrent for aphids and beetles.

Catmint is an easily grown plant, that is heat and drought tolerant, that simply needs to be planted in well-draining soil in a sunny or partial shade position.

They require plenty of growing space, as they are aggressive growers, and should be spaced at least a foot or so apart, as overcrowded plants can lead to powdery mildew or leaf spot, especially in hot, humid climates.

Care of catmint is simple, water regularly until they become established and once they are a few inches tall, pinch them back, which will promote a bushier growth.

Dead-head spent blooms, as this will promote additional flowering and can also help prevent re-seeding.

In the Autumn cut back the plants to half their size, or following harvesting.