The Casa Blanca is a classic Oriental lily – widely regarded as the best white Oriental Lily ever! – with showy, exotic, heavenly fragrant, pure white flowers, that delicately curve back towards the end of each petal and dark red stamens.

The flowers, of up to 6-8 blooms on each tall stems, flowers from mid to late summer, making excellent cut flowers.

Loved by bees, butterflies and hawkmoths, that will hover over the blooms all day long.

Lilies can be planted at any time, from early autumn to mid-spring. Planting in autumn often helps them settle in and become better established, before they start to put on their new spring growth.

Spring planting is a better option, if your soil is heavy and wet during winter. Choose a sunny spot of 6-8 hours of sun daily, preferably where the plant receives a little light shade at its base.

Plant each bulb 15-20cm deep in a well-drained soil, enriched with well-rotted organic matter or leaf mould.

Space them 15-30cm apart and provide support, before the flowers appear. Dead-head the faded blooms, promptly, and cut the dead stems back to ground level at the end of autumn.

Note: All parts of the lily, including the flower, leaves and pollen can be fatal to cats.