Responding to an Extraordinary Commission, the Ciudadanos councillor, Ángel Noguera, has rejected the complaint filed by an official, for alleged workplace harassment. He said that he did not sign payment invoices because, he thought there were “breaches of contract” that merited further investigation.

“I have no problem with the company,” said Noguera after the commission. “My sole purpose in this matter was to comply with the law and established procedures, as well as fully enforcing the obligations contained in the contracts, for which I am responsible, since that is my duty to the people of Orihuela and to the municipal government of this city”.

He said that despite the supervising technician approving work done by the contractor, he felt that these works were not well done.

“In this regard, the technician has my respect, as it cannot be otherwise, but as the councillor who must approve this work I cannot ignore things that are not done well”, added Noguera.

The official is currently on sick leave due to anxiety, having accused the councillor of Infrastructure of alleged “pressure” and “interference”, which led him to file a complaint for alleged workplace harassment.

In responding on Tuesday to the Committee, the councillor rejected the complaint of harassment “denying that there has been any kind of pressure, threat or reduction of rights or resources to technician on my part ».

Meanwhile, the official refused to appear before the commission and sent a letter, several pages long, defending his position.

PSOE Opposition leader, Carolina Gracia said that she regretted that the commission “was of little use” after Noguera provided “an extensive report” just ten minutes before his appearance, which it would be impossible to assess. She said that it was also unacceptable that neither Noguera nor the mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, have done anything to resolve this situation. Neither of them has so far requested a review of the contract, a procedure that would have resolved the agreement’s problems.